


Übersicht - Patches

Stronghold 2 Patch 1.4.1

Autor: Firefly
Dateigröße: 11.21 MB
Downloads: 35216
Datum: 05.07.2008

Für diesen Patch muss das Spiel bereits in Version 1.4 vorliegen. Aufgabe des Patches ist das Beheben einer ganzen Reihe von Bugs. Außerdem soll er Synchronisationsprobleme im Mehrspieler-Modus aus der Welt schaffen.

Die Verbesserungen im Detail

* Leere und doppelte Spiele erscheinen nicht mehr in der Lobby
* Aufgelöste Truppen kommen nun aus den Spielerhütten. Wenn keine Hütten platziert sind, erscheinen Bauern ausserhalb des keep.
* Truppen im Vorratslager können nun attackiert werden.
* Stone quarries can now be placed on both Island Hopping and Rocky Island free build maps.
* A player can no longer open and close their gatehouse once it has been captured by the enemy.
* Sally ports now appear hidden to enemy players.
* Fixed issue when dismounting units so that the animation only plays once, preventing them from crossing inaccessible terrain.
* Fixed issue so that the Lord can no longer attack buildings from a distance using the Return to Civic Duties button in the keep interface panel.
* Archers can no longer use braziers when standing on level ground next to a wall with a brazier.
* Fixed issue with knights being unable to mount horse if they moved while the horse was en route.
* Fixed issue in which wrong weapons were selected when going to the weapons panel in the market by clicking on the Armoury interface panel.
* Fixed issue in which monks would not go to the monastery when it was placed in certain rotations.
* Fixed a multiplayer issue in which turning off food consumption would cause the game to go out-of-sync.
* Fixed a multiplayer issue in which Herons could cause an out of sync.
* Great Britain map has been re-balanced.

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